SC Engineering

Terms Of Service


“Buyer” means the person or company who agrees to purchase the products

“Seller” means SC Engineering Supply LTD

The following conditions will be applied to all contracts for the sale of goods entered into by the Seller. By placing an order with the company SC Engineering Supply LTD the buyer agrees to deal with the Seller on these Conditions to the exclusion of all other terms, conditions, warranties or representations with the exception of any terms specified in writing. No variation to these conditions shall be binding unless made in writing specifying which clause is to be varied and full details of such variation and signed on Behalf of the Buyer and the Seller.

Any typographical, clerical or other error or omission in any sales literature, quotation, price list, acceptance of offer, invoice or other document or information issued by Sc Engineering Supply LTD shall be subject to correction without any liability on the part of SC Engineering Supply LTD.

All the orders made are subject to be accepted by the seller, which has the possibility to reject them within 15 days from receipt.

The seller has the right, by giving notice to the buyer, to increase the prices of the products. The price of the products shall be the price agreed between SC Engineering Supply LTD and the buyer, if not specified, the price quoted by SC Engineering Supply LTD , or if not specified and no price has been quoted (or a quoted price is no longer valid), the price listed in the SC Engineering Supply LTD’S published price list current at the date of the contract. All prices quoted are valid for 30 days only or until earlier acceptance by the Buyer, after which time they may be altered by SC Engineering Supply LTD , without giving notice to the Buyer.

SC Engineering Supply LTD will not accept any return before giving the authorisation. The return will be possible only for new and unused products, unless otherwise stated all returns has to be made to the costs of the buyer.

Return of goods caused of wrong orders, will be accepted only if authorized. The return has to be made to the costs of the buyer and between 10 days after the receipt of the material. The goods have to be complete and be part of the standard range.

For the returned goods will be made a credit note.

The substitution of the goods can be made only if there are evident defects of constructions or quality.

The delivery time stated by the Seller is an approximation only. Exceeding of the delivery times does not entitle the Buyer to damages, dissolution of the contract or non-compliance with any obligation on the part of the Buyer flowing from the contract.

The orders will be sent out if there are available 2/3 of the order, for the delivery of inferior quantities the order will be sent out only after getting an express request from the Buyer.

The missing goods will be kept in backorder and be sent with the following orders.

Incomplete shipments doesn’t give the right to any complaint.

The buyer shall make a payment to the seller of all invoices in full and without any deduction within the terms accorded and written on the invoice. If the buyer does not pay within the terms agreed, he will be deemed to be in default.

All the goods delivered by SC Engineering Supply LTD remain of property of SC Engineering Supply LTD up until the full payment of all the amounts owing to the Seller by the Buyer in pursuance of the terms accorded, will be affected. If full payment is not received by SC Engineering LTD by the due date then without prejudice to its rights SC Engineering Supply LTD shall be entitled to require the immediate return to SC Engineering LTD of all goods supplied and not paid.

The products in this website are subject to change without notice.

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